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For the third time this crown is coming loose with its “post and core build up”, what can be done?
For those who believe that a tooth always works better than an implant, this course describes in detail contemporary biomimetic solutions capable of reinforcing residual tooth structures and thus improving the prognosis of the new restoration. This objective is based on the synergistic combination of minimally invasive preparation techniques (“vertipreps”) and no-post fiber-reinforced core reconstruction, all of which are fully compatible with modern three-dimensional endodontic techniques.
Over the last fifteen years or so, “vertipreps” or preparations for crowns without clear finishing lines have made a comeback. Resurrections of the ‘trace’ cervical margin of the ancestral crowns with fitted rings, vertipreps or V-preps have logically accompanied the development of a new, highly resistant ceramic, zirconia.
These preparations offer the dual advantage of significant dental tissue savings, as well as unrivalled gingival conditioning and shaping.
The icing on the cake is that, by optimizing the ferrule effect, they act in synergy with modern coronal-radicular reconstructions, which are adhesive and have no root posts, thus strengthening residual dental tissue, particularly in the case of prosthetic re-treatment.
Guided by a biomimetic and minimally invasive philosophy, you will learn:
thank you for the webinar!
Thank you
Anas Ali
Thank you!
Great lecture. Thanks for your time
Many thanks Dr Gerdolle
Thank you doctor for the amazing presentation
Thank you for very interesting lecture.
Thanks alot
looking forward for your next webinars, thank you doctor
If there is compromised external ferrule ,u have told that internal ferrule compensate to certain extent. What it will be the life in long term regarding these restorations
Can you explain the way you do the margins of temporary crown with composite specially proximally? Also how you choose where you crown or do onlay for endo treated teeth
How do you reduce the need for occlusal adjustments?
What do you think about cementing the partial indirect restoration with injectable flow?
How do you avoid a jPrep or remove J prep
Thank you very mutch for the interessting webinar
Thank you very much for a great presentation.
Muchas gracias por su webinar, excelente , felicidades !
Could you please repeat the process of core build up with EverX, do you put composite or directly bond fibers on the post space?
what is the difference between ‘cementing a crown’ and ‘bonding a crown’?
what is the size of retraction cord you used?
Really thank you, my question about ever x posterior if I can use to build up on anterior teeth ?!
Do you have a favourite instrument and material list can you provide it please ?
Can speak something on Hemidesmosomal attachments to zirconia surface giving good adherence to gum when compared to other material like pfm, Lithium dislocate etc,
When using zirconia for onlays do you do slots and grooves , what if you have a flat prep how do you increase retention?
how do you comunicate with tehnician the margin of the crown on vertipreps?
What about construction of one piece post and crown from zirconia?
thank you
How do you make sure the patient can use Tepes with the temporary?
How to bond zirconia endocrown?
If I bond a new core for example in a upper lateral incisor using everstick post and everX-flow how deep I should go under the cervical area with the the prep and how much should I enlarge the canal(should I keep the same dimension as the last endo file?) ! thank you
What do you think about luting emax overlays with Gaenal injectable flow gc?
do you prepare with the retraction cord in situ and what is your protocol for impression? thank you
How do you make sure you remove all the excess cement at margins?
How do you keep the provisional crown on without (temporary) cement, if you remove and modify the provis. crown to achieve whatever gingival profile?
Do u use retraction cords if so what kind?
what is your take on endo crown in severely mutilitated short height preps instead of reinforcing
what machine do you use for sand blasting? What is your recommended sand blaster you use
THANK YOU very much
Thank you for an amazing lecture
Can we bond zirconia crowns?
What instruments are you using for vertipreps? Are there recommended sets of burs?
did you say, with vertiprep, is possible to take the impression on the prep appointment? what about bleeding management? thank you
For everyone interested, this webinar will be available from tomorrow as On Demand
Thank you!
Thank you, dr.Gerdole, you have beutiful results..Why do you prefer using Everstick net before Everstick post for building a post ?
Do you always make provisionals to your vertipreps?
What do you think about utility fiber post associated with ribbond fibers? Congratulations from Brazil for your classes! Very nice!
Is there situation when it is better to use EverX posterior instead of Everx Flow?
When doing a post should i also make a hybrid layer inside of the root (resin coat) before centing fiberpost Ribbond/everstick post/everstick net?
Thanks for the webinar.
Kind regards,
Johan Lillqvist
hi doc, thanks for the great webinar, what’s the difference between BOPT and knifedge?
Thank you so much for this amazing topic, please my question about basket technique to use fiber mesh or Ribbond ?! And what about use ever x posterior on anterior tooth for building?!
How to you “cement” the provisional for 8 weeks in order to let gums heal completely without having recurring issues of debonding?
What is the best cement for zirconia
Great presentation. Worth every minute. Can you explain the way you do the margins of temporary crown with composite specially proximally? Also how you choose where you crown or do onlay for endo treated teeth.
What the diferent between ever x &ribbon?
Hello- how long is the light polymerisation in the root?
very informative thank you
Great lecture !
what temporary cement would you use for your provisional
Regarding internal ferrule, should we use “everstick+EverX flow” or “EverX flow+ EverX posterior” in posterior post endo tooth?
Thanks for sharing, Amazing webinar
Buenas tardes.
Con el ferrule interno y una preparación vertical ya no serían necesarios los 1,5 – 2 mm. clásicos?.
What burs do you use for vertical preps?
Great lecture as always! Many thanks.
Thank you .
What is your scanner of choice for vertipreps?
thank you
Joseph Guindy and Aleksandra Zueva
What about bonding of zirconia and GIC
Thank you very much for this presentation
do the fibres in the root have to connect with the coronal composite
Hi. What was the name of the fibres you recommend? and the name of bonding agent.
Zirconia cementation : with resin modified glass ionomere or a sort of resin? A hydrophilic resin and wht is this resin
Impression technique? Do you scan or use material?
Thank you
Thank you. Very good presentation and clearly explained.
Sir please repeat the part about cement as soon as possible
Great lecture, thank you very much
Will be a record of this webinar ?
It was amazing , thank you .
thank you
Vielen Dank.
Zahnarzt Anas Ali
great lecture david; well done!!!!
Thank you for beautiful presentation
For the impression/ scan, how do you retract the gums?
to obtain internal adhesive ferrule, should we use “everX flow with everstick” or “everX flow+EverX posterior only”? As I know there is different bond strength on different dentin substrate and there will be shrinkage because of high C-factor cavity
Thank you
Thanks dr for fantastic lecture
What about biological width?
Which restorative composite do you like when you cover the fibers?
Hello there
Thank you for the great lecture!
As zirconia is usually milled and LiSi2 can be pressed: is it possible to get the same thin margins in Zirconia or does the vertical prep demand for pressed LiSi to get those very thin margins?
Are we solely dependent upon the Biocompatible property of Ceramics for giving a subgingival chamfer? Is there any sort of periodontal attachment that happens to surface of zirconia subgingivally?
Good evening
for masking and rebuilding the horizontal into vertical, do you use flow or regular filling composit?
for vertiprep provisional, you said you use composite, what type of composite/brand you use to make the provisional? some temporary acrylic resin had heat that will affect the perio
What do you use for temporary crowns and which temporary cement do you use?
What is your process when patient shows up to the second appointment to achieve perfect isolation?
In first appointment its much easier because of guidance of the intact crown.
Do you tack-cure to remove the excess of resin cement ?
Hi if the crown is short what type of preparation we do? Thanks
What Flow do you use for IDS on crowns? I do find it troublesome to even it out when not using a proper viscosity.
What sand blasting do you use for the metal and dentin?
What do you think will be the material of the future ? Zirconia only ?
When you do vertiprep into the sulcus, do you use IDS?
Amazing topic
This webinar will be available from tomorrow onwards as On Demand.
Thank you
could we use preheated composite to adhesively cement zirconia onlay/overlay?
Zementieren Sie auch mit Harvard Zement? Welche Indikation gibt es dafür?
i missed about 10 mins at the beginning. is there any way the lecture can be emailed to me?
Do you have a 8-10 years followup of Onlay/overlay bonded zirconia cases and still going on?
Hello, Anas Ali from Brohl-Lützing
How to use ribbond, in what cases is indicated
Will there be a recording of this webinar available later?
Loin the webinar
Thank you for joining today’s webinar with Dr. David Gerdolle. If you have any questions for our expert about today’s presentation, please write them in this chat box and they will be addressed during the Q&A session.