White spot lesions: Enamel defect or just Caries? How to deal with them! Part 2More and more we are finding “spots” in our patients’ teeth. Some are just initial lesions, some are enamel defects. We will explain how to differentiate them and treat with remin or infiltration therapies up to treatment with GIC or other bioactive materials. Always with the MI philosophy in mind.
Minimum Intervention Dentistry until now, has been focused mainly on caries; although this concept, this philosophy can apply to every disease. Nowadays, more and more frequently, we find young patients with whitish spots or areas, sometimes even yellowish, as the reason for the consultation. Other times, we just saw them when exploring the patient. Both situations are relevant in the clinical context.
It is essential to diagnose what are we dealing with, for being able to talk to the patient or the parents, to implement the right treatment plan, for the long term of the patient’s oral health. In both situations, we will pay special attention to the idea of “chronic disease”, this would help the parents and the patient with compliance. We manage with special consideration the early treatment of severe MIH and the maintenance of the patient.
In our conference, we will focus on the differential diagnosis and early treatment. We need to give the patient the best esthetic, and also treat them with Minimally Invasive Philosophy present all the time.
- Learning objective 1: White lesion differential diagnosis
- Learning objective 2: The importance of early treatment.
- Learning objective 3: Basic strategies for remineralization.
- Learning objective 4: Infiltration concept for Minimum Intervention and Esthetics
- Learning objective 5: Maintenance: How to keep patients stable with the best function and aesthetics possible.
Specific dental code for infiltration? Charge as a 1 surface filling, or as sedative filling?
que es GI
Thank you for excellent presentation
thank you for this wwonderful education. it was fantastic.
thank GC and happy anniversary
Muchas felicidades a las dos por la presentación!!! Ha sido excelente!!! Un saludo desde Santa Coloma de Gramenet!! 😉
usan detector de caries para remover menor cantidad de tejido?
el hipoclorito diluido?
Cómo procederian en caso de dentinogenesis imperfecta
When to use resin infiltrate and when to use GI varnish?
Is glass inomer varnish used for white spots in primary tooth only
Son geniales!!!
Gracias por tanta generosidad
Have you experience using GC Fuji Triage to control rampant caries?
Gracias. Son un equipo excelente.
In conclusion, what would be the steps for the remineralization of a white spot?
gracias por hacer una odontopediatria feliz para los niños y para nosotros
alguna experiencia con un producto llamado Weisszhan? para fluorosis
Is there a commercial product for hypochloride ?
thank you for the presentation. please share your take on using lasers for remineralization using remineralizing paste like recaldent or gc tooth mousse
FOR how long have you etched when used icon?
Excelenta presentación.
Que opinion tienen del uso de hidroxiapatita para tratar manchas blancas?
Excelente Presentación. Ante una caries profunda se debe colocar si o si una protección pulpar antes del Ionómero. Gracias desde Lima Perú
La combinación del tratamiento de manchas blancas combinado con el Invisalign First en casos que a posteriori requieran ortodoncia, podriamos decir que es muy recomendable?
hello and thank you for sharing your knoledge!How can i know that it’s the accurate time to use infiltration tehnique (after recalldent treatment).I
Dr Natera
Los mojitos los tomaremos en cualquier caso
Que ionomero es el que utiliza en esmalte?
Por favor, ¿ pueden poner de nuevo la diapositiva con los productors comerciales que utilizan? Muchas gracias
Quiero felicitarlas por la excelente charla y si podrían compartir nuevamente el nombre de la app
What are the steps of re applying resin infiltrate again in the next visit?
Excelente ponencia! Saludos desde la Ciudad de México ??
Geniales como siempre
from what age can we do infiltration the tooth must be mature?
Con que infiltran?
Thank you for the presentation!
Por q los pacientes post ortodoncia solo debemos hacerlo en los primeros 6 meses
Qué es GIC?
Muchas gracias
Excelente presentación .. impresionantes casos… felicitaciones … saludos desde Guatemala
Excelente presentación. Muchísimas gracias. Saludos desde la Ciudad de México.
what is the side effects of a patient use mouthwash for long time?
hipoclorito en que porcentaje
What concetration of hypochlorite do You use during infiltration of MIH?
Como aplicam o hipoclorito? Qual a concentração?
what material do you use for the microabrasion? thank you!
GIC can be used for direct pulp capping to avoid endodontic treatment on young patients?
en una gran caries próxima a pulpa cuándo optais por utilizar un ionómero de vidrio versus a Biodentine? Gracias
.¿cual es el coat que colocáis sobre la reconstruccion del ionomero?
si no se hiciera el secado con etanol hay otra alternativa ;?
What material was that?
What material you use to seal after remineralization?
Is it Effective to use icon for white spots during orthodontic treatment?
How yoy add the fluoride mouthwash to the home routine?
Thanks for this brilliant lecture,helps in my Pediatric Dentistry
alguna preferencia en el dentífrico previo a la aplicación de Recaldent con el dedo?
Durante cuanto tiempo usa el paciente con MIH Clinpro Tooth Creme y MI PASTE PLUS?
Which light cured G I are you using?
my paste lo venden en farmacias ? en caso que ha expuesto de seguimiento como 4 años creo todo ese tiempo uso my paste 2 veces al dia ?
For the MIH you can use the quicksleeper mesial (3/4)of the 6 and interradicular ( 1/4 of a carpule)
La app chilena que mencionasteis antes, podrías decir el nombre?
Thank you for joining us for the final two sessions of the congress! Please write any questions you have in this chat box and they will be addressed at the end of the presentations.