To inject or not to injectResin composites are used more and more in the daily routine of the restorative dentist. Additive adhesive dentistry is now preferred by dentists and patients alike. In this presentation we will evaluate the main two techniques or composite resin application; freehand layered and injection moulded.
The rapid innovation of composite material in the last two decades and the availability of various types of composites, has given today’s clinicians an extremely convenient and cost-effective tool for their practice. Direct composites provide the clinician with the ability to create excellent aesthetic results with minimal tooth destruction in a very efficient manner. In this presentation we will compare and contrast the main two techniques of direct composite resin application; freehand layered and injection moulding.
We will break down several clinical scenarios and compare the two techniques in an interactive way.
Learning objective 1: what is freehand layering and what is it best at
Learning objective 2: What is injection moulding and what is it best at
Learning objective 3: Outline the limitations of both techniques
Learning objective 4: Discuss step by step technical and clinical steps
Learning objective 5: Briefly discuss maintenance, pricing, and consenting
Thank you very much .
Thank you for presenting this interesting topic
Thanks so much
Wasv amazing week thank you!
Many thanks both of you for this excellent presentation from Istanbul !
Very good aproach for presentation.
Excellent talk gents, well done!
Before the overeeuption end, does the occlusion affcect the restorations?
Do you use flowable/ injectable composites combined with freehand technique to apply various layers?
Very Good lecture! Congratulations
how to avoid undercuts with flow injection technique?
Amazing presentation from Dr. Serhat and Dr. Kostas!!
Greetings from New York
wow ! ! may I ask why you dont add incisal to the stent prior to injection ?
Thank you
Brillant guys! Hats off!
Fabulous Happy Birthday GC from Zürich. Joseph Guindy and Aleksandra Zueva
What do you about using ho hybrid techniques?
In my opinion it can give advanteges compared to both the other techniques
This question is for Dr. Karagiannopoulos. When you allow the posterior teeth to supraerupt, do you see any problems with root exposure/sensitivity/caries? Thank you.
is the supraeruption related to age when the bite is opened?
on frontal teeth, is the injectable molding give the opportunity to eat apple for example on them without worrying about it fall off?
Saludos desde la frontera Colombo – Venezolana entre Cúcuta y Ureña
how long lasting are restorations with injection moulding in your experience? The fact that you use a flow have some influence in the duration of this restorations?
what type of stable brush do you use? have a link? For Koken
what special matrix for direct composite veneers please
Regards from Bulgaria
How do you hide margins in class iv?
the greyish III class restorations – yes , the thick enamel is a problem only with Gaenial …. are there composites that allow thicker layer of composites in that case ?
Kostas , you showed the holding technique and rubber dam and you said rubber dam causes problem …. so what is solution – composite needs good isolation for good quality and longevity , yes or not ?
free hand: what curved matrix used for frontals please
additive mock up : minimum thickness of the wax( injectable composite) that is acceptable for buccal area where was added
Good evening from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Saludos desde Oaxaca, México
Gracias por la formación. Dr Rogelio Álvarez Marín. IMOA CLÍNICA DENTAL. SEVILLA. ESPAÑA.
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