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Minimum Intervention Dentistry until now, has been focused mainly on caries; although this concept, this philosophy can apply to every disease. Nowadays, more and more frequently, we find young patients with whitish spots or areas, sometimes even yellowish, as the reason for the consultation. Other times, we just saw them when exploring the patient. Both situations are relevant in the clinical context.
It is essential to diagnose what are we dealing with, for being able to talk to the patient or the parents, to implement the right treatment plan, for the long term of the patient’s oral health. In both situations, we will pay special attention to the idea of “chronic disease”, this would help the parents and the patient with compliance. We manage with special consideration the early treatment of severe MIH and the maintenance of the patient.
In our conference, we will focus on the differential diagnosis and early treatment. We need to give the patient the best esthetic, and also treat them with Minimally Invasive Philosophy present all the time.
Se recomiendo 2 veces al día Tooth Mousse ( después del desayuno y de la cena) ?
is this toothpaste available in Saudi Arabia please?
En casos de fluorosis cuál es el tratamiento profiláctico a seguir?
Q anti bacterianos recomiendan?
Buenas tardes, felicidades por una brillante presentación! Mi pregunta es: qué tan viable consideran el uso de aero-jets para profilaxis en tiempos post-COVID? Saludos desde Perú : )
What do you mean by post-brushing rinsing? We inform patients not to rinse after brushing.
Does white spot lesion spread further
Buenas tardes, en primer lugar gracias por vuestra presentación. ¿Cómo trataríais manchas originadas por fluorosis, en un niño que ha vivido desde pequeño en una zona con agua fluorada, y que ha venido ahora a vivir a España? La mama nos contaba que el centro de salud le ponían barniz de flúor aquí.
en caso de fluorosis que protocolos siguen en cuanto ha cuidados de higiene oral ? gracias
cómo se llama la app chilena?
¿Que tipo de anestésicos utilizan para tratar molares con HMI severa?
En hipomileralización, es más severa la mancha amarilla o la marroón? gracias
Thank you for joining us for the final two sessions of the congress! Please write any questions you have in this chat box and they will be addressed at the end of the presentations.